Monday, June 11, 2018

Another day another Dollar

The first sign that Christmas is coming !

A train entering the docks round East Wall  Rd,

The writing is on the wall

This is a robber who broke into a parked taxi to look for cash.and was caught on the dash cam
A lot of taxis are being broken into at night. They smash the side window to look for loose change in the taxi. In many cases the driver will replace the glass at his own expense rather than bother the insurance company.

The big cruise ships keep coming in, some with as many as 5,000 passengers in one go.
I will say it again.
Too many people, perhaps 7 languages among the crew.

As the first world joke went

"Send up reinforcements were going to advance"
The order passed down along the trench only to come out at the far end.
"Send up three and fourpence were going to a dance".

Confusion will follow in case of an emergency.

Still lets not overstate the obvious.

A while ago on Dame St an American couple were coming out of a shop on my right hand side and as they stepped on to the pedestrian crossing the shop assistant ran out waving 2 bottles of water.
They didn't hear her over the traffic. As they passed in front of me I blew the horn, they ignored me.
Then I pulled over beside them and shouted Hi !
"You forgot your water in the shop"
The female shouted
"We are not interested" and walked on.
Then it suddenly dawned on the man why I was after them and he pulled her back.
I was gone at that point.
The woman must have thought that they were in a third world country and she was being bothered by the peasants. Still I hope they enjoyed the water.

Still people are people and that animal is so different that I sometimes think "Thank God that snake is gone at least he was better than the lion yesterday. Where did that viper come from?"
And so my day continues.

Still you often meet remarkable people for sure.

You could loose your mind overthinking the situation.

If I had gone this way or that way ?
How would my day have gone?
Was Julia Roberts around the corner?
Why did I ever pull up at this taxi rank?

You can over analyse every moment of your day for sure.

On Friday night I took the night off and went to see "The last ship" Stings musical.
What a great set and they sung my favorite song before the break.
Then the urge to have a few pints before bedtime and I dragged myself out an half time.
Sorry Sting.
It has a lot going for it.

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