Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Magic Paul

Yesterday saw the arrival of the celebrity magician Paul Daniels with the lovely Debbie Magee, she has Irish roots and she brought her cousins along to the magicians club.
He gave us a good talk about presentation and giving good customer satisfaction.
He is as quick witted as ever, a very entertaining man.

When we first met years ago he called the group to attention.
"I want to introduce John to you all. Note the way he is dressed,this is important to note, this is a sure sign of a wealthy man. He doesn't waste money buying good clothes like you lot do"
When I met him through the years I took a photograph of us both.
This time I decided not to take one as we were getting progressively older each time we took the photograph.
So to stop that ageing process I didn't take the snapshot.

"Magic is the best fun you can have without taking your clothes off" So he says

Here is a good thing you can do for Christmas.
Go to this website and write a Christmas card to a prisoner of conscience.
No this may be someone who spoke out against a corrupt politician, or policeman and now find themselves in prison.

Think about it at least.

Another thing coming up today is an art exhibition for the CFCP connecting the immigrant/experimental/emerging artists in Ireland.
You do know that when you find an emerging artist and buy their work your investment goes up fast.Plenty of Polish artists represented here.

I have an eye infection, I have been to the doctor and it is worse now.
The last time this happened a doctor in the eye and ear hospital told me that handling money is deadly.

Never wipe you eye with your hand, use a tissue, one end for each eye and discard it at once.
He told me at the time that I was only days away from loosing the eye as my resistance to infection was very low because the eye had become re infected several times.
Perhaps I will go back there tomorrow.
Talking about magic.

Did you ever hear of Ricky Jay?

1 comment:

  1. wow wow wow cool man. Isn't that brilliant. i love this kind of magic. Nice videos.
