Side entrance to Dublin Castle
This is the official U2 weekend in Dublin.
There is not an empty bed in a hotel room in Dublin.
Every flight into Dublin was full,not an empty seat.
The whole U2 machine is fantastic.
They have 3 stages, one they are on now.
The second one they were on last, it is being dismantled and put on the road again and a third which is being erected for the next big gig, London.
Each stage has a full crew, riggers, stage hands,electricians,drivers,medics, security etc and even their own cleric to give the crew spiritual advice.
Spare parts are moved around to whatever continent they are on be shipped over to whatever stage its needed on at a moments notice.
When you see the McGuinness trucks roll into town you know something big is going to happen.
I live more than 3 miles from Croke Park and I could hear it from the house.
They fit in well together and are now the biggest showbiz group ever in this world in spite of all the setbacks allong the road.
I was looking for the Dublin tourism clip using Beautiful Day,I can't find it perhaps this one is better as it shows the new U2 stage.
One of the line up didn't arrive Friday night which upset the running order.
Pity that as professionals at that level just can't not turn up without sanctions.
This could mean loosing your entertainers licence and that would be very bad.
Well after the show it was just like "the good old days" with punters lining 20 deep on the taxi ranks to get home.
If you are at a big venue like that,walk in a homeward direction facing the oncoming traffic showing your legs, (boyfriend in the shadows)and at least then if you don't get an empty car coming back into town you will be warmer and closer to home.
Remember it will be costing you less every step of the way.
Monday night to come and another 80,000 audience, Enjoy..
Talking about specialty acts did you ever see Chris Bliss in action ?
He is fantastic, see how he changes style with the beat.
He was on the French TV5 when we were in Cyprus
Also note that he got a standing ovation !
Now for something completely different.
A wedding video !
This clip has had over 8 million hits.
Dancing in church, a woman priest.
Whatever next?
Thanks for that Mike.
Have a happy week
Brilliant videos, that man Bliss could make a fortune here in NYC just doing that in Times Square. And that wedding is second to none, great finish !!