Ryans of Sandymount where I once met the man who "sprung" George Blake.Blake is still going strong.I forget the guys name,he was a character IRA man and a guy who lived life full on to the end. Come on. Who was he? He died in a caravan in Kilkee Co Clare, Reckon it was the special forces of the crown,who knows.
Here are Pavarotti's hand prints on the footpath outside the Gaitey theater.
I did tell you that his career started in Dublin..no kidding.
If you want to see shop windows go here.He writes a good blog too.
"Driver why did you not have your light on?"
At night you keep your light off and take a good look at you passengers before stopping.
Here is the beautiful girl I picked up on Christmas eve coming home again.
Wow did she have a good time?
Now do you get the picture?
Kicked off the night with a girl from Mauritius going to the Beaumont house,
I am interested in all people and we spoke about the Creole French which is spoken in Mauritius. The people were brought to the island as slaves she told me,speaking only an Indian language the pronunciation was hard for them which is were the Patoa comes in.
I did get in the story about the "Slave factories" which are making clothes which Kate Moss models and are sold in Top Shop. Paradise and Hell in the same place.
God you get to see a lot in you job.
The Airport was busy but the dispatchers were not calling up the cars.
Got a couple from China who are studying Accountancy and English.
They flew from Shanghai to Amsterdam to Dublin.
"We have been traveling for 60 hours."
Perhaps the world is not so small after all.
Bits and bobs and back to the port where heaps of people were looking for taxis.
Again the dispatchers were not calling up the cars.
Got a run to Rush e30. Very nice retired lady,had sold her house in Clontarf and moved out 10 years ago, the beach is just down the road,a train into town,easy to heat clean and maintain,sounded like a good choice.
When you get older you must trade down at the right time, nothing worse than seeing a big house decaying because the owner is not able to keep it up.
A few yards and this very drunk guy stopped me. Pointed me to his house. How much?
e4.10 4 is fine. Fuck that he thundered take a tenner.
Then we had a 5 minute shaking of hands and a Happy New Year to you as well.
Then he wanted to take me back to the pub again to buy me a drink.
Back to the Airport which was like Blackpool on a Wednesday in February.. deserted.
Cars were waiting so I went in and saw that there was nothing due.I had held a gap so that I could drive into the final holding pen or drive away if I had to,but not big enough that others could squeeze in past me.Nothing cooking so I drove away.
Perhaps a laptop connected to the internet where I could check arrivals would be good.(I know that my phone will do it but life is complicated enough.)
So I headed into town where "Ghost town" would describe the situation.
Over to Baggott St. where the Burger King was emptying out.
As I walked from the car the staff came out.
"Do any of you want a taxi?"
Happy days Santry, right back across the city with a girl from Latvia,been here 2 months she is studying cooking in Latvia.
I hope 2008 will find her a job in a good kitchen where she will learn good skills after all we do all have to eat.Haircutting is another thing which will always be needed..
Its new years eve, the Scots are the big ones to ring in the new year,hard to believe that it will be 7 full years since the millennium.
Computers would crash,your electric iron would not work.
The world as we knew it would end.
When babysitters wanted 200 quid and restaurants and cruise ships doubled and trebled their prices.
What happened?
We stayed in and everything was OK in the morning.
Best thing to do is to celebrate the New Year with our Chinese friends 8th of February. Thats when we will all be broke and the restaurants will not be busy.
I wish you all the very best for 2008.