Thursday, May 11, 2017

Prince Charles



A really old Volks and Holland

This morning the traffic was very bad, so bad that I gave up and came home.
Prince Charles and Camilla are in Dublin,the weather is great for it too.

There used to be  joke that Britain would join the €uro when Charles would be king
Which would be never.

Last Sunday I went from Northwood near the airport with a 2 Saudi men and kids to Dublin Zoo.
When we arrived there I said to my passenger "Say hello to my relations in there"
Do you mean the monkeys? he said.
"If a cleric overheard you saying that in my country you would be executed by sword"
Lucky I didn't ask him if he was visiting his own relatives.
Saudi Arabia is ruled by a very strict clerical sect.
A woman can be arrested for driving a car, you are stoned to death for committing adultery.
Two Dublin woman talking at the bus stop.

"Did ya hear that you can be stoned to death for committing adultery?"

"Be Jeasus  if they brought that in here we'd run out of stones,"

Bob Dylan is here tonight so business is good. 

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