Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Dublin is cosmopolitan now

Sometimes you wonder if the guy was qualified

This is a house in Ringsend made from two storage containers

An unfortunate accident, the Lexus is only a few days old

A money making machine on the Clontarf Rd

A really good idea

I had an unusual morning, the first job was from Istanbul in Turkey, internet chap.
An Indian lady going to Blanchardstown
Two guys from Uruguay to Ranelagh
Then a guy from Eritrea   
The last guy was surprised that I knew where it was or that I knew anything about the country.
Ethiopia beside Eritrea has many strikingly beautiful women, they are also the fastest runners on earth.
They are very hard to catch for sure.

I hope to be back on line soon.
This computer has been wiped but it is not working like it should work.

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