Sunday, June 05, 2011

Exam time.

"May your bedroom window never be near a rocking manhole cover"
(Aincient Irish blessing)
Made by Tounge and Taggart this one will never rock..But a bright young lad once worked for them....and he became Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzie, He really did rock !.

I just want to say GOOD LUCK to all the boys and girls sitting exams in the coming weeks. May I say that the system which is used to measure your worth is a very narrow one.
Please do not panic, we are all verye different, we each have great abilities and talents.
Perhaps this system is not for you.
You may be a brilliant musician, but a lousy painter.
You may be a plain Jane but a fantastic doctor.
You may be a good looker, but be really stupid.
Your worth cannot be measured by just a few tests.

A few years ago the richest man in Ireland was Sean Quinn. He quit school at 14 as his father was dead and he had to work to keep the family going.

His fortune was lost in the banking crisis,I am sure that he will rise again.

So if you are reaching a crisis point over exams please phone Aware on 1890 303 302

Or the Samaritans on 1850 60 90 90

Here is another way to do well in college.

Ont he taxi front the minister for transport has promised to address the errors created by the taxi regulator over the past 11 years,he has asked for submissions and he says he will listen..Then 2 all electric taxis hit the streets, one of them is wheelchair accessible!

Standards have ben falling for years.

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