The first shot is of the Aras an uictaran. the home of our president. Mary MeAleese.
If you click on it to enlarge the picture you will see the light in the window which was started by Mary Robinson. "I will put a light in the window to help our emigrants find their way home."
Well times are better and many have returned.
Whether it is a better place for all the extra money is a hard one to argue.
The second photo is a group of soon to be doctors who are studying medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons. They are outside Vicker st where they are taking patr in a charity show.
I hope the girls remember to subtract at 40 when they are taking the pulse of old guys like me. They will have to do this compensate for their good looks and to get an accurate reading.
The RCS attracts people from all over the world and it has a great reputation.
When I was young they used to have open days where you would get a walking tour, I don't know if that still goes on.
A great old Dublin thing was to sell your body for science. They gave you a few bob and then they buried you later.
Years ago my brother were passing the side entrance when two undertakers came out carrying a coffin. After they passed my brother said."So much for the second opinion"
Here we are at the change of seasons, clocks will spring forward one hour and before you know it the Summer will be here.
As I write the birds are singing like mad. When you are doing the all night it is a great time(6am).You are finishing the shift and on some high point over the city you pull over and take in the panoramic view of the city in the dawns early light. Some wahere near Bohar na buaina near Tallagh or Howth head.
Did you ever read Strumpet City By James Plunkett ?.
He talks of the great strike and the lockout in the times when workers had no rights?, how things have changed when the Irish now exploit foreign workers.
Irish shipping lines have been caught paying workers just a few euro per hour.
The seamens union have had ships impounded twice to have the men paid.
The deckhands were not union members because the Russian mafia who employed them would not like that.All of the workers were from non EU countries.
The employers say "Not us, we subcontracted the labor from another company"
A Latvian guy who was working as s trainee(dog walker)won back pay and costs. His employer claimed he was a "traineee" So he was not entitled to minimum wage.
Hotels are doing the same. Cleaners, porters etc.
Trainee managers are paid buttons just to get work experience.
So when you get that cappacheno, TIP !
If you don't speak up you would soon become a doormat.
I just fixed up the link to New York taxi shots have a look great photos
Have to get out more.
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