A great day for the Irish and thats for sure and a day when we all can go green.
And a super day for taxi driving I have taken in a new record total and personal best of e500.
There was snow on the East coast of the States and a lot of flights were canceled , so many dissapointed customers were sent home.
I got 3 runs back over he M50 back to back, with the bonus of fairs going back across the city.The world and his children came out to see the parade. Which went off well.
There is never enough transport to bring everyone home and with 1/2 the roads closed the buses can't get through. It is total chaos. One example of forward planning is that the Aircoach which runs through the city center could not run. Now if it was you or me you would put signs up advising people of that fact. Not here hordes of people waiting.
Funny thing is if you pulled up and told them they would think you were pulling a scam. 3 or 4 people in a taxi will always be cheaper than the Aircoach. That is if he is not a conman.
I came home and had a sleep and worked till 4 am and there are still loads of people wandering around in a daze.
Never wait at a rank walk towards your home facing the oncoming traffic and when an empty taxi spots that you are not falling over the place he will stop for you. Hail all taxis. I never turn on my taxi sign so that I can pick my punter, I don't wand some maniac jumping in and wrecking my head.
Don't smoke or have a big Kebab in your hand because the smell of chips or kebabs when you are sober is too much to take.
You would never buy a Kebab if you were sober.
Interesting people Rory Faithfield coming home from a gig.www.faithfield.com
(Anyone know why the links come out wrong?)
A great looking banker who had her flight canceled to Chicago (hope you get going today)
And a messed up chance to go through the port tunnel. www.DublinPortTunnel.ie
And one great story.
Years ago there was a hotel ( sorry I can't give the name )which was bought by a developer.
They wanted to knock it down and build apartments.
Planning takes time so the appointed a security company to mind the place.
Soon after the security company were appointed they opened a fully functional brothel in the hotel and no one noticed a thing. People came and went and as it used to be a hotel no one was any the wiser.
It was working for as long as 6 months before they were detected.
I work that area quite a lot and I never noticed it.
The powers that be tell me that they are on top of this situation but google escorts dublin. prostitutes dublin and you will find that Dublin has a thriving sex trade.
The biggest red light district in europe was here in Dublin it was called Monto (Montgomery st) There is a great ould song about how the Prince of Wales was brought down there and had a great time and when his mother queen Victoria herd the story she nearly died of shame, it also caused the death of her consort Albert.
I guess we all can have wild kids in our family.
When the British army moved out the legion of Mary moved in and closed the place down.
The cleverness of the criminal mind never ceases to amaze me.
Ireland beat Pakistan at Cricket no less.
I just found this and I thought I would share it with you.
It reinforces how mad law and order has gone here, while our elected fools go around the world presenting the Shamrock.
Teens sentenced for car theft and attack
16/03/2007 - 15:35:38
Three teenagers robbed a man of his car keys when he was on his way to midnight mass on Christmas Eve and returned to attack him to find out where his car was parked, a court has heard.
Keith Allen, (aged 20), of Croftwood Green, Ballyfermot, Stephen O' Reilly, (aged 19), of Kilworth Road, Drimnagh and Jason O'Toole, (aged 19), of O'Hogan Road, Ballyfermot, pleaded guilty to assault causing the man harm, robbery and unlawful taking of his car near Christchurch, Dublin 8, on December 24, 2005.
They were sentenced to four years in prison at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court after Judge Katherine Delahunt heard that the man lay on the pavement for 90 minutes before he was discovered and brought to James's Hospital where he was found to have a fractured eye socket that required surgery to prevent him loosing the sight in it.
O'Toole also pleaded guilty to robbery of a MP3 player from the person and robbery of a shop on September 26, 2005. He received a consecutive two year sentence to the four year term as he was on bail for these robberies when he committed the one on Christmas Eve.
Judge Delahunt said she was satisfied that while all three were involved in the robbery, O'Toole caused the injuries on the second attack. The man was left with a lacerated ear, face fractures, a broken nose, fractured ribs and chest injuries in addition to his eye injuries.
She accepted that all three made full admissions and co-operated with gardaĆ and while they were under the influence of alcohol and pills at the time they have all made efforts to rehabilitate and come off drugs.
Judge Delahunt suspended the last 12 months of O'Reilly's sentence after taking into account that he had shown remorse for his actions and had a problem with drink at the time.
Allen had the last 15 months of his sentence suspended and O'Toole had the last 12 months of his sentence suspended and backdated to March 2006 when he was first remanded in custody for the offence.
Garda Dave Houlahan told Mr Pieter Le Vert BL, prosecuting, that the victim was walking to midnight mass on Christmas eve when O'Toole, O'Reilly and Allen, approached him and threw punches and kicks at him, knocking him to the ground, before they left with his car keys, watch and wallet.
They used the beeper on the key ring to try and find the car but were unsuccessful and returned to the victim where O'Toole kicked him again until he told the robbers where the car was parked.
The three then made off in the car but were stopped by Garda Fiona Lee, who recognised them and knew they didn't own a car.
They were immediately arrested when she noticed their clothes were blood stained and taken to the garda station for question.
Gda Houlahan said that O'Toole had 13 previous convictions, O'Reilly had 10 and Allen had six. All three had never been before the Circuit Court.
You would not delieve it if it was fiction!
Indeed we had a nasty and unexpected snowstorm here on 3/16. So my loss was your gain. But there were plenty to go around. The combination of St. Paddy's Day plus it being a Saturday plus the bad weather made it an exceptionally busy night of dodging the drunks. I did quite well, too.
ReplyDeleteI´m an spanish taxi driver (from Madrid). My blog´s so similar than yours!!!