The idea is that you invite friends and folks from abroad to come and visit.
It is to kick off click here with a big concert and fireworks on New Years Eve.
Scotland will have to take a back seat this year..
The idea of the gathering is all well and good, but the prices in Dublin are a complete rip off.
In the UK you can get a Sunday roast with all the trimmings and a pint of beer all for around £6in Weatherspoons
A pint of the black stuff alone in Temple bar is over €6 and the meal will cost around €15.
But Dublin is a great place if you don't spend any money.
So there I was stuck with no keys for the car and the time ticking away.
Enough I thought I will buy another key. €180 said the garage man !
So I found one on Ebay for €70 which seems like the right one.
Then can I program it?
Internet to the rescue.
Click here
I noticed this in London a few years ago, how odd I thought
I think this says it all?
( This has happned again)
The picturesb were of young people doing different things in company while glued to their mobile phones.
The picturesb were of young people doing different things in company while glued to their mobile phones.
The day that Albert Einsteinfeared may have finally arrived.Having coffee with friends.A day at the beach.Cheering on your team.Having dinner out with your friends.Out on an intimate date.Having a conversation with your BFFA visit to the museumEnjoying the sights--
- I fear the day will come that technology will
surpass our human interaction.
The world will have a generation of idiots
Happy new year to you all !!!!!!!!!