Our new Christmas tree. I was told it came from France it cost e350,000,but it can be used again.
The old tree used to be a gift from the people of Norway(free)and it was chopped up afterwards so there would be no storage charges either.
On Sunday I ventured out and saw the new Christmas tree.
They closed one side of O'Connell St to erect a platform so that the lord mayor of Dublin could turn on the lights.
She decided in her wisdom that Christmas would start early this year to help the stores through this difficult trading time.
Pardon me Mam but if you are broke you could start the shopping spree anytime, if you have no dough you can't make bread.
But the tree is very nice it changes color Green Red White and Blue it is quite something.
Note to myself if they plan to do that next year. Come down into O'Connell St from Parnell Sq. then on to the rank on O'Commell St where the masses were waiting for buses which could not come down the street.
Some of the guys made a packet, Sackville place was hopping too.
Wow we have a new record for a single drugs haul in Ireland. This time its 1.87 tonnes of cocaine, looks like someone is not going to have a white Christmas after all.
The value they reckon is around e500 million. that is a lot of money if you want to see more look here
You know that's only $207 so that haul would be worth more than twice that amount.
It has started people talking about how badly our seas are patrolled.
This was a tip off from Interpol, how much is getting through?
I spoke to a guy from customs and excise on Sunday about the sniffer dog I saw in action at the port. The dog needs a lot of exercise and his handler brought him up to the Dublin mountains and let him off for a run, as luck would have it the dog caught the scent of a hare and took off, the dog was missing for 2 days with army and the police helicopter looking for the dog, they found it in the end and the handler nearly died of shame, the dog has a tracker device now in case he decides to head for new ground again.
I had a rotten week I caught this cold thing that's going, swollen glands coughing sneezing, couldn't work and I hate sitting around. Still I caught up on Columbo on the TV. You can get too much TV, it bores me silly after a few days.
But as we say "Needs must when the devil drives"
IE. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow, no use fighting it.
Had a lucky day today had people jump in just as the other person was getting out three times.
Got a run to the airport and as they were getting a lady hopped in, she had to be on the Cork bus at 6 PM it was then 5.30 could I make it?
25 Min's via the port tunnel.(yes she gave me the Euro change from the fare)
I must get back into the swing of things as there are so many taxis now I need to work out a plan to find more work.
On the rank at Heuston I saw a 08 BMW 520d. One of the guys told me that the car alone would cost over e80,000 though I think it would cost a lot more.
Could be a tax dodge, I don't know.
Perhaps he believed all about the millionaire taxi drivers.
The reality must be a shock to his system.
Loved these pics and the story. Don't quit... We'll be better about leaving comments.