Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome to 2011

I was talking to a girl called Oskar she is off to live in the far east, she is doing a blog so I will give her a link, look out for Milk and Cookies.

a monument to celebrate the visit of Queen Victoria to Queenstown.

Irish lights HQ.

Buoys being painted etc.

Garda cars parked on the footpath forcing wheelchair users and women with buggies to go on to the road, a fine example

Mabel who is 100 and 10 months old now. She broke her arm on Christmas day, she is a tough one and is recovering well.

This is a motorbike by the artist "Rasher" I met him, but didn't know the significance.
Here we go out of 2010 and into 2011.
The last year has been a helter skelter ride for most people, finances in a mess, jobs not too secure and house prices in sharp decline.

On the taxi front where taxi numbers continue to rise there may be hope in the courts for our situation, a new group of taxi drivers called the TTnH have been granted a judicial review in the courts. This will take a look at how the taxi industry is being regulated and to see if some drivers who invested €100,000 to buy taxi licenses should be compensated for the loss when they became worth only €6,000 from the regulator or €1,000 now second hand.
There are many other issues to be resolved, as you can imagine.

My thoughts are with the many taxi drivers who have killed themselves over the past few years. Though the situation seems hopeless try talking to the Samaritans or to the other counseling groups. Talk to MABS if you need financial help.
Think of those who are left to cope with the mess after you are gone.

I don't see any of the big boys who owe billions being upset as they rest in the Carabean homes of their wives or children.

This storm will pass, Night courses are starting up again. UP SKILL.
I met a Romanian guy last week who is starting a course on making and installing solar panels. He is the kind of guy whose example you should follow.

Well this morning I got up at 5.00am and headed off to meet the ferry. I went down and waited for the ship to come in through the mist, bang on time. Then she swung around and docked. Out came 8 foot passengers one wanted a taxi and negotiated a deal for her taxi fare....Such is life, the rest were collected.

One PM now and it is New years day in Sydney. Happy new year to the Walshes and to Sam who live there.
Now I hear that the worst flooding in 50 years has hit Queensland and an area the size of France and Germany combined is under water. Not a good start to the year.

I want to thank all the people who joined me on my many trips around Dublin, I hope we meet again. I need the money! (Joking)

I will post again soon,once again all the very best for 2011.

Oh yes this will be the year I master the tango.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Delores Keane.Wonderful

Hibernia is the old name for Ireland
Caladonia is the old name for Scotland

And we left home in search of a better future, dreaming of home.

I don't know if you can see
the changes that have come over me
and these past few days I've been afraid
that I might drift away
I've been telling old stories, singing songs
that make me think about where I come from
and thats the reason why I seem
so far away today

Let me tell you that I love you
that I think about you all the time
Caledonia you're calling me
now I'm going home
and if I shall become a stranger
no it would make me more than sad
Caledonia's been everything I've ever had

well I have moved
and I've kept on moving
proved the points
that I needed proving
I've lost the friends
that I needed losing
found others on the way
I have kissed the fellas
and left them sighing
stolen dreams yes theres no denying
I've travelled hard
sometimes with conscience flying
somewhere with the wind

Let me tell you that love you
that think about you all the time
Caledonia you're calling me
now I'm going home
and if I shall become a stranger
no it would make me more than sad
Caledonia's been everything I've ever had

now I'm sitting here
before the fire
the empty room
a forest choir
the flames have cooled
don't get any higher
they've withered now
they're gone
and I'm steady thinking
my way is clear
and I know what
I will do tomorrow
the hands have shaken
the kisses flowed
and I will dissappear

Let me tell you that I love you
that I think about you all the time
Caledonia you're calling me
now I'm going home
and if I shall become a stranger
no it would make me more than sad
Caledonia's been everything I've ever had

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas day

Well I hope you have had a quiet Christmas.

All I can say that it was a very different day for me.

I got up late and cooked the breakfast and I got a call from my old pal Mabel.
She is aged 100 and 10 months.
She is very young at heart and always up for a laugh.

"I'm sorry to bother you,I had a bit of a fall, could you come over? There's no hurry"

Knowing her I went over straight away.

She had slipped in her bedroom and broken her arm. The bone had cut through the skin. She had wrapped the arm in kitchen paper and dressed herself before calling me.
Her arm was like a dogs hind leg,all to one side.
So off to the hospital we went. And we spent most of the day there people watching.

You cannot believe how tough and independent this lady is they sure knew how to make them back in 1909.

One thing I will say we were well treated, though there seems to be no follow on from one doctor to another because one doctor was going to discharge her as he had not known the bone had come through the skin.
Now poor Mabel is on all kinds of drips to get antibiotics into her.

Anyhow a word to your God would not go amiss.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Dinner for one.

Happy christmas day to you all.
I hope Santa came to you.

The tradition of Christmas is different all over the world.

People gather round the old TV to watch the queen in the UK, Walt Disney in the USA.

In Germany and Norway they watch this.

Dinner for one.

It is a great example of slapstick comedy.
The male actor was in a TV series when I was a child called "Bootsie and Snudge"and "The army game"

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Christmas to you all

Well here we are, Christmas eve 2010.
Like a man on a bridge I look forward and I look back.

I have decided that what is happening in the economics of the country is not my fault,so I resolve to look after the people in my care and to try and help others.

But the main thing is not to worry, just do your best.

I would like to thank all my great passengers who rode with me during the past year, you all made my life richer in more than one way.

I really feel privileged to have met you all.
So many fantastic people have made Ireland their home for the past few years, thank you for coming and enriching our lives

Have a great Christmas and I hope that 2011 will bring you peace and blessings.

Here is one of my hero's..She is remarkable because she is deaf.

So enjoy your lives.
Until we meet again.

How do you know if there is a taxi driver on the plane?

The whining continues into the terminal building and beyond

Monday, December 20, 2010

Girl missing

Foreign workers picket Dunnes Stores HQ. Equal pay for equal work.

Our snow covered statue from Easter Island.

Girl gets into taxi and vanishes. read here

I hope it turns out well, but I have written to the taxi regulator, the Garda and the Garda ombudsman about the unlicenced taxi drivers working in this city. They assured me that they are on top of the situation, or that it is not in their remit.
How can someone be driving a taxi with no knowledge of the city and with forged papers be allowed to drive away without being arrested.

I pray it works out well.

On the other hand for my Polish readers.
Garda- Apel do swiadkow zabojstwa Dublin 12/12/2010

Gardai/Policja w swords, co. Dublin apeluja o pomoc w celu wyjasnienia okolicznosci zabojstwa mezczyzny w wieku poznych lat 20'tych.

Gardai prosza o kontakt osoby, ktore miedzy godzinami wieczornymi a 11'go grudnai agodzinami rannymi 12'go Grudnia byly obecne w The Wright Venue, Airside Retail Park, Swords i ktorych informacje moga byc pomocne w dalszym dochodzeniu.

Gardai rowniez prosza o kontakt dwoch taksowkarzy, ktorzy miedzy 3'cia a 3.30 rano 12'go Grudnia mieli kurs z Airside Retail Park do richmond Road z dwoma Polskimi pasazerami. Pasazerowie ci wysiedli pomiedzy richmond Road a Leydens Cash and Carry. Ktokolwiek inny kto byl w poblizu Richmond Road i kto widzial wspomniane taksowki w tym czasie, rowniez jest proszony o kontakt Z Policja/Gardai.

Gardai/Policja rowniez prosza o kontakt osobe/osoby, ktore 12'go Grudnia okolo godzinby 3.45 rano zostawily zmarlego w szpitalu Rotunda.

Jako czesc dochodzenia Gardai sprawdzaja liczne miejsca w tym mieszkania i pojazdy w okolicach Richmond Road.

Sekcja zwlok zostala dokonana i jej wyniki zostaly przekazane oficerom zajmujacym sie ta sprawa. Rodzina zmarlego z Polski zostala rowniez skontaktowana.

Ktokolwiek inny kto moze byc pomocny w tej sprawie jest proszony o kontakt z Gardai/Policja w Swords pod numerem 01- 666 4700, Policyjna Linia Zufania (Garda Confidential Line) 1- 800- 666- 111 lu jakakolwiek stacja Garda/Policji. W szczegolnosci proszeni sa Polscy obywatele, ktorzy moga miec jakiekolwiek przydatne w tym sledztwie informacje.

From the website, it is strange that they do not put it in English as well.

If you are of a delecate disposition read no further.

Drink and office partys can be fun, sometimes things can get out of hand, sometimes with tragic results.

I was heading back into town when w group of excited women came out of a pub in Harolds cross, stopping 3 taxis...Then it was who was to go with whom, "Do you know xxxx Rd?" and off we went.
The talk was normal for a while then this massive beast appeared in the car.
The man said "What t fuck do you know about pressure,I am under pressure, my wife lost twin boys a couple of years ago. Almost full term they died and she had to give birth to them. They didn't even do a section on them, beautiful twin boys identical twins"
We were shocked by this statement and she tried to plicate him.
"Things happen to us all I have had awful betrayel in my life, but you have to deal with it".

But he wasn't finished "my father in law died of a heart attack and 6 months later I was helping my wife's younger brother on the farm when he got caught in the farm machienery.
I pulled him out and brought him back to the house to wait for the ambulance which never came.
There was one ambulance to cover the whole area and they were dealing with some bastard who had a broken arm. There was no method of prioratising the call.

He bled to death in my arms.

So you see my wife has lost twin boys, her father and her brother in less than a year".

After much argument which had no logic to it we arrived at the party.

I said that it would be no shame to look for help as everyone is still suffering.

But no, he was going to the party and he wanted my number to collect him later.

I told him to ring a local taxi company, it was nothing personal but I could be 30 miles away when he wanted to come home.

I took it from his remarks that he did take it personally.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Schools out

Begging in the snow Ballsbridge.

New apartments in Cork St

New post codes By Garmin?

Ready to attack. One side good, the other bad!

The gates into the Kings Inns

A 2CV Dolly looking good

Friday night was a good night for taxis.
The unis ended and most places went for a pint after work.

I didn't go to the ranks. I cruised around like a shark, picking up here and there.
In this festival of excess you have to pick your customers with care.

Girls are worse than men for getting sick, I once had one vomit down the back of my shirt, what she thought she was doing escapes me.
Guys open the door or window, or even shout stop!

Girls falling asleep can be very dodgy. You dare not touch them to wake them up, so you take them to the Garda station where they will oblige you with a wake up call and get you a destination.

Ah, but that is the negative side.

This year on the whole the people were very sober, strange to say I met 4 of the most intelligent women that I have ever met all last weekend.
A lot of people have gone back to college to re skill, now they are looking for a wider view of the world.
I guess with the recession people are not entering into this mad drinking spree that was so much of the "Celtic Tiger" years.

The courts were busy last week too and the case that is being taken by the TTnH was listened to, we now have a date for a judicial review on the 19 th Jan.
We blocked the streets, we marched to the office of the taxi regulator all to no avail.
Now the politicians who ignored our calls are coming to ask for out vote.
Well my dog is ready to chase them.

While we are the subject of the courts. Did you hear the story about the lad from Iran who has been granted leave to stay in the UK ? Well it is because he has established a network of friends there and if he was deported his civil rights might be compromised.
He has been disqualified from driving, then found guilty of driving while disqualified without insurance. Then he killed a young girl and ran off while she lay dying under his wheels....And as that was not bad enough he has been caught driving again.

Ah to be honest I am so fed up with RTE and all the negative spin they give everything.
Nothing I ever did caused this to happen. It was a 3 way golden circle. developers giving money to politicians who allowed huge developments funded by the banks.
I have been saying that this would all end in tears 5 years ago, anyone who looked at the situation would have seen it coming.
So don't tell me that reducing carers for the elderly and reducing the unemployment benefit will solve the problems.
Read my lips "Debt for equity" If those words were used instead of bailing out the banks the situation would be very different, there would be no bankers getting a bonus. I do think there would be people going to jail instead.

Unless, Unless the politicians could be linked into the transfer of millions of euro.
Well if that were the case we would have to pay them off to keep them quiet.

Another priest is off to jail last week, Fr.Tony Ward abused children for more than 20 years,with the churches knowledge.
The church has so much evil inside it now that you might wonder if Satin himself is running the Vatican.
It is very hard for the good clerics to minister with so much evil in their midst's.
I do hope the police will at last prosecute the bishops who failed to pass on information to the Garda.

Here is a clip which kinda shows the lack of respect the youth have for the church today.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Deja vous- again

A bed being carried down Georges St.

Not more suds in the fountain!

Clearing the snow away to be ready for the new fall.

Advert for Canon cameras

So there is more snow forecast.
My daddy told me that if the snow hides around the corners it is just waiting for more snow to take it away !

So be like the boy scouts, be prepared.

If you are like me you wear a watch that costs €30 to €40, but then as long as it tells the time it is good enough.

Then there are other folks who are slaves to fashion.

Bernie Ecklestone is the boss of of F1 the racing organisation.
His Hubolt watch was stolen cost a mere £220,000 Sgt. So what did he do ?
He made an advert.

I wonder if they replaced it for him.

He could have housed a couple of hundred families through Habitat for humanity with that money.

It is strange what some people think is important.

I had a "dolly bird" in the car when the news came through on the radio that Mother Theresa of Calcutta had been awarded the Nobell prize. When I explained to the airhead who she was she said.

"Why did they do that,she is really ugly".

What good is beauty without brains!

The other day I picked up a guy who was trying to stop cars going the other way.
I blew the horn and he hopped in. It is a pity I didn't look more closely before I let him in.
He was a short stocky lad and he was out of his mind. His destination?
Kevin St garda station..Me brother's in trouble on fire arms charges.
Then he started asking me for the telephone number of the garda station.
Then he tried to ring 999.
From a mobile you have to ring 112. Then they wouldn't tell him the number or put him through. He got really agitated and angry, so I slowed the car right down and turned to face him, I told him to sit back and shut the fuck up or I would punch his lights out, I was not one bit impressed with his hard man act.

He came back to earth and we arrived at the Garda station.7.20 on the clock.
I said give me €5 and he handed me €2 and walked off.

Now I should have walked in after and got the rest of the money in the police station.

But when you are tired you make mistakes.

He might have had a knife or worse, you never know, he is a crazy guy he should not be walking the streets, even while on bail.

The police are investigating the death of a Polish man as I write, it is not believed to be a racest attack, but too many people are carrying knives at present.

Once I was in Terenure Garda station when I met the famous "Viper" one of Dublin's luckiest criminals.

He has survived 3 or more hits.

He is really small but I would say he is a really hard nut.
He was running a debt recovery agency at the time, he was at the police station to give himself an alibi while his heavies went collecting on his behalf.

A true gangster will allways look after the taxi driver, they cannot go around in their own cars, so they appreciate the annominity that a taxi gives them.

My wife went shopping the other day and she did not have much cash, she uses cards.
When she went to collect the car she gave €1 to the beggar, then she went to get the car she was a euro short. She had given our son €50 before she went out.
She asked 3 men if they could help her.

The men in suits just walked away.

Then a nice lady helped her and they both had a great conversation on the way to their cars.

Whatever kind of bad Karma the men in suits are storing up for themselves you can just imagine.

I hope Santa was watching.

On the radio today there was an appeal on behalf of a girl who got food poisning while in Vietnam, then she contracted encofelitus (Swelling of the brain) followed by strokes. She is in a private hospital in HoCheMin city and it is costing more than €1,000 a day.

She had travel insurance but the insurance Co won't pay up.

Now they need to bring her home by air ambulance and that costs €160,000.
So if you go here(they said the website was but I will check it out}. and donate €2 or €5 she may get home.
Good news she is be flown home in the gevernment jet !

The guy wanted to say the name of the insurance co. but he couldn't for legal reasons.
I for one would like to know why her cover would not pay out.
It could be anyone i the same situation.

Monday, December 13, 2010

13th Dec. 1978

On this day a drunk died on the streets of London, unknown he was buried in a paupers grave.
Later on they found out it was the great boxer Jack Doyle.
On hearing the news his ex manager had his body brought home to Youghall to be given a proper buriel.

Fame is a 2 edged sword it can open doors and when you start to believe your publicity you can find yourself dropped from the heavens to earth with a great thud.

All the Sunday papers were talking about Gerry Ryan who died from a heart attack which they believe was caused from snorting cocane.

Sadly for his wife and children his life insurance will not now pay up!
They face the prospect of loosing their home after Christmas.

So the life of the celebs is a fragile one, Susan Boyle is only on the edge of keeping herself together and there are many many others.

If you have a loved one abusing substances you and they alone cannot deal with it look to get help.

But the person themselves must feel that there is a problem and they need to want to stop.

So here is the story of great dreams fulfilled and a life destroyed by addiction.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

12 to go

I suppose the pictures tell it all.
The repro man is banging on all the wrong doors, all the fat cats are warm and snug in their winter retreats with their bonus safely in their Swiss accounts.
That road is near Celbridge and when you meet another the snow tracks pull you towards the on coming traffic..
More snow to come next week.

Safe driving.

Friday, December 10, 2010

12 days of Christmas

No stopping it now !

I hope you don'y get any unwelcome presents.

I had a lucky one today, I gave change of a €50 to an English lady.

"Sorry driver it was a €10 I gave you"

God bless the honest person.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

My way of saying thanks.

OK This is a lazy way to respond to a chain letter

BUT what the heck !

I 'm sending this to you to see how
many actually read their e-mail.

Your response will be interesting.

Pay attention to what you read.

After you have finished reading it, you will know the reason it was
sent to you.

Here goes:

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime..

When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need
you have expressed.

They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with
guidance and support,

To aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.

They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,

this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an

Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.

Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.

What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire
fulfilled, their work is done and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has
come to share, grow or learn.

They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.

They may teach you something you have never done.

They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.

Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,

things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional

Your job is to accept the lesson,

love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other
relationships and areas of your life.

It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you for being a part of my life,

whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Send this to every friend that you have on-line,

including the person who sent it to you.

0 Replies - you may need to work on your 'people skills'

2 Replies - you are nice but probably need to be more outgoing

4 Replies - you have picked your friends well!

6 Replies - you are downright popular

8 Replies or More - you are totally awesome

(and that's probably why you're on MY list)

Have a great awsome Christmas with all your friends !

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

30 years ago today

30 years ago today John Lennon died.

In one of his last interviews he was asked if he stil thought of the Beatles, he said.

"I don't live in the past, I live for the future"

So must we all--- Live for the future

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Christmas 1915

Christmas means different things.
One Christmas in 1915 a miracle happned and the war stopped for one day.

Handels Messiah

As we get closer to Christmas Handels Messiah comes to Dublin.

It was first performed here In 1742 at music hall which was beside the Civic offices on Fishambe St..

This year bas always the money goes to charity.
Try to get tickets for it next year.


Friday, December 03, 2010

A varied day

Jackie Mason that great Jewish comedian had a great joke.
I have been to the bank and I have just found out that I have enough money to last me for the rest of my life.

No really its true.

After the applause dies down he says.

"That is unless I have to buy something"

Well that is what it is like here in the snow, they say they have plenty of salt but they have not put any on the roads,they were afraid that if they spread it they would run out.

Until today when I saw the first gritters on the move.

Today the project I have been working on over the last month comes to an end.
Provided that no one rocks the boat it will be a great success.

So at the start of my day I had to meet someone.
Backing my car out of the drive a guy waved me down going to the airport.

I told him I had to meet someone but I would bring him to the bus garage where the bus route was running from, all for no charge.
When he was in the car he told me he had been in London a few days ago and had taken a taxi from Paddington. He showed the driver the address and he brought him with £3 on the meter. He was embarrassed and gave the driver £10.
Things like this happen because you don't know where you are going.
But sometimes taxi drivers will take advantage and drive you all over the place.

My meeting did not work out so I headed off to bring in a few commuters.
The girl I picked up worked in advertising, she made advertisements.

Here is her last project.


Today its McDonalds

Then I brought an English family off to the airport.
A hot cup of char (Tea) and back into town.

I had 3 jobs to do for myself so I headed off to Philipsburgh ave.
A tap had stopped working and i had shoveled away the snow to turn off the water.
I now had a better shovel and was going to try to find the stop cock which is on the footpath. On the second or third shovel full of snow the little steel door appeared.
Yesterday I had exposed the same spot but could not see it.
So I drained down the system and took out the innards of the tap and headed off to get a new part.

And that is when one of those moments took place that will remain with me for the rest of my life.

I thought she was directing a truck which was backing out.
But when I stopped she got in and asked me to go to Amiens St. and back.

There is a very busy methadone clinic there and taxis pull up and wait and drive away all the time. Pierse St and Ballyfermott have other clinics.

So you never mention the elephant in the room, but it is there.

So we talked about the snow and the usual bullshit.

Then I waited and she came back. The Methadone used to have a very strong smell and it also had a very high sugar content.
A few years ago you could smell the addicts breath and their teeth ware black and rotten.

Now things are better.

So we headed back, down North Strand when I told her about 2 guys who were holding up taxi drivers in this area and suddenly one day they were in my car.

Her boyfriend is a taxi driver and he was robbed at syringe point.

A little bit further on she said that her nan lives there.

(I was asked to explain my expression "The elephant in the room".
It is something that is obvous, yet you should not mention it, because if you do the invisible elephant will appear and fill up the room)

I can't understand how anyone can get involved in drugs especially after having lived around here, heroin has taken 3 generations from this area.

I had broken the rule I had mentioned the elephant.

She started talking.

I was 13 when I went on drugs.


I used to babysit for my aunt, my fathers sister, one day I went there and she was smoking Heroin.
She said


I said no

She said

So after a few weeks smoking heroin I was hooked, selling heroin on the streets, later I got hooked on cocaine, I stole and sold my body I did a lot of bad things.

But I never robbed a taxi driver or someone who was trying to make an honest living.

What kind of a fucker would give heroin to a 13 year old child? I said.

Mister this is what heroin does.

She told me about her immediate family who had died from drugs.

What happened to you aunt.

My father when he found out went over to her flat and kicked in the front door and milled everyone in the place with a baseball bat.
Her boyfriend was in prison at the time.
When her boyfriend came out of prison and found out about me he dragged my aunt to our place by the hair screaming and rang the doorbell.

When my mother answered he had a knife to my aunty's throat.

Take this knife and kill her, look what she has done to your family.

Her mother wouldn't do it so he stabbed his girlfriend in the neck and slashed his wrists, then he tried to go to the top balcony of the flats and jump off and kill himself, but he collapsed before he reached the top.

They both survived, the aunt is drug free now but has become an alcoholic and lives with different people as a down and out.

So journeys end had arrived €17 on the meter.

Just give me €15, God bless you and I hope Santa comes.

I hope he does come to me and to you as well.

Then I went home fixed the tap !

Compare her and her life to the guy and his wife going to the concert in the Aviva stadium last month.
He saw the €1 coin on the floor of the car and scrabbled under the seat to get it. Then even though I was the only taxi which picked them up, he left me 50 c short.

Good Karma to you all

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

What a day.

And its getting worse!

He must have been a very big snowman

The kids are happy they have one snow day off after another.

A young girl going to the RDS to the craft fair was talking about how negative thoughts bring on negative events. Had I ever heard the theory ?
Well I have known for years that posetive thoughts and actions create a good aura which in turn attracts good things.
She had read a book called "The secret".

It has been called Karma among other things. "You make your own luck"
Now if I share it with you will it still be a secret?

Well here is the movie.

And here is the book

Look guys sitting around moaning will get you no where.
Improve your lives through education.
I once gor a tip of £80 Stg just from taking an interest in one of my passingers.

Now I have done more for other people and got no reward.
But secretly I knew that they were just buying trouble for themselves.

So have a nice life until we meet again.