Photogenic in Dalkey
Outside the Bondiola Argentian restraunt on Baggott St
The biggest cruise ship I ever saw.
I have not been working much lately.
Remember a month or so ago I fell asleep at the traffic lights?
Others whom I have worked with in the past have had heart attacks.
Time to take notice of whats happening and flow with the current for a while.
I have to supervise a project for a friend who is away, just a hour of work in the morning with the taxi and anyone I can pick up as I pass along my route.
Well that photographer in the last posting had a really good website.
Look at this one. The leaflet came through the door and for once it did not go straight in the bin.
An oriental restaurant should be red and yellow..With Dragons. This one is in black and white it also says that the meat is Irish, and healthy options, we have a cookery school !
That has to be the best idea ever.
It says our kitchens are so clean that you can come in and meet the cook and he will teach you.
The other chef Conrad Gallagher who opened a cookery school has had to close 2 of his restaurants ! He omitted to make a tax return.
Years ago there was a character called Sean Gallagher, he rang a restaurant called the Mirabeau, there was no prices on the menu, "If you have to ask the price, then you can't afford it" He did quite well until the tax man went through the books...He was busted !
Then the memorable quote came into being.
"Sean was a really good cook, meat,fish,game anything. But he was useless when it came to cooking the books". I met his chef one night, an x cruise liner chef he was a really good guy, very entertaining.
On the subject of charging what you like.
I wrote about Blackpool where a Sunday roast with a pint costs £5, well a friend of mine was at a wedding, he doesn't drink himself, so he bought a vodka and coke for his wife and a bottle of water and a splash of blackcurrant for himself. he gave in €20 and looked at the change, when he looked at the receipt he noticed that he had been charged €3.90 for bottle of water and €1.40 for the dash of blackcurrant. He prosted and the manager was sent for.
His attitude was that that was the price and that if he couldn't afford it he should go elsewhere, now Liam could well aford it but, he handed back the water and got a refund.
The managers attitude put a seed of poison into Liam and he went away to the local off licence and bought 2 bottles of Vodka and 2 large bottles of Coke and put them on the table for the guests.
The manager came back and protested.
"Sorry mate this is a private function, unless you can show us a notice to the fact, this is the way it is, and one other thing the VAT has been reduced by 4% since this wedding was booked !
I will be looking that the reduction has been passed on to my sister
Don't try to rob people,it will come back on you big time"
Big panic the other day, a booby trap device under a jeep on Seville place! There is a bit of a conflict with a few families down there.Traffic in a jam, not one diversion notice in sight, Same old crap. You spend 30 Min's. getting there just to be sent back.
What they should do id to DIVERT THE TRAFFIC AWAY.
Wow! I had another girl in the car with a magical voice ! I couldn't place it. But she was French to an English father. But she worked all over the world. I could hear South African, then Indian and a complete seamless blend. I met a guy who had worked on cruise ships for 30 years and something like that had happened to him.
But in this case we heard the Goldberg veriations,her voice was music.
Do you believe in God ? a passinger once aske me.
I do indeed.
But not like your God, my God is female, she would make you smile, she tells me I am the most precious ting to her.
When she is near I am calm and I can smell her perfume.
I canot stand that God who is spiteful and allows his servants to abuse children.
I am glad for you she said.
my God is female, she would make you smile, she tells me I am the most precious ting to her
ReplyDeleteThis is similar to the God of the Bible who thought I was so precious that he sent his sinless, blameless Son to take my rightful place.
I canot stand that God who is spiteful and allows his servants to abuse children
Given the admonishments against child abuse in the Bible (see Mark 10:14, Luke 17:2, Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42, Ephesians 6:4, etc) if a so-called "servant" of God is abusing children, then they is flying directly in the face of what they are commanded to do.
Given that we are made in the image of God, we as a people are moral by nature. If we know of an obvious and egregious wrong that was committed, we cry out for justice.
Given that we are finite beings, we also like that our justice be administered on our timetable. We do not have the advantage of an eternal view of history and we as Christians are commanded to trust in the Lord and know that He will make all things right in due time.
Well what was done in the name of God in Norway ?
ReplyDeleteTell me. What was done in the name of God?
ReplyDelete"[The Bible Research Center's Larry] Keffer warns that people should not think that just because Breivik says he is a Christian that he actually is one.
“When I was out in Norway,” he said, “the people there thought they were Christian because they were Norwegian.” Many people in the so-called “Christian nation,” he says, claim the faith but haven't necessarily been genuinely converted.
"A true Christian would not go and ... shoot people in a camp or blow up buildings,” he said. “That's not what a Christian does. So just because a man claims to be a Christian, or even believes that he is a Christian, does not necessarily make him so."
"The Bible says that 'you know them by their fruit.'”....
"Christians' ministry is to reconcile people to God and give life, not to blow them up and send them to hell,” Link
Terrorist proclaimed himself ‘Darwinian,’ not ‘Christian’
ReplyDeleteNo matter what he was it was an evil act of the most monumental bloody slaughter.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is that there has to be a trigger which sets off these finatics.
Preachers who preach hate are not following their religion no matter which creed they profess to be from. Mohamid or Jesus for example are appauled at the actions which are often taken in their names.
I hope some day we will learn lessons before the next massacre happens.
Keep the flag flying JD
No matter what he was it was an evil act of the most monumental bloody slaughter
ReplyDeleteYes, it was.
Preachers who preach hate are not following their religion no matter which creed they profess to be from
And who exactly was Breivik's preacher? If you answered 'nobody', then you are absolutely correct.
Mohamid or Jesus for example are appauled at the actions which are often taken in their names
While Jihad and the killing of infidels are straight from the Koran, Jesus taught none of that.
Keep the flag flying JD
Don't get me wrong John. If you want to believe in a female deity that makes you feel better, then have at it.
Its actually one of the more benign belief systems that I've come across on the internet. For example, certain strict materialists I've encountered seem to believe that if certain strains of bacteria are left on their own and enough time is given, that they will eventually morph into talking monkeys.