Not bad value for the city center.
So good they built it twice.
I don't know how I forgot this, but early on St.Patricks day I got a fare from a Polish girl of about 20. She was heading to the handball alley at Croke park.
We came to a set of traffic lights which were red, nothing was coming so I drove through, the next set were the same. Five sets of lights in all. Then I came to the main road and stopped at the lights.
"Why did you not stop at the other red lights?" she said,,"Well on St.Patrick's day you can go through 5 red lights, but this is nr.6."
Are you selling programes at Croker? says I.
Oh no they wouldn't let a Garda sell programmes.
I must be getting old, she was just a kid. But it is great that our country is assimilating the Europeans into our society. How fantastic, a girl at the police station who can speak Polish, Russian,Chinese or Romanian perhaps. The very fact that they don't have to send out for someone to translate. Such a saving of time and money too.
Over the weekend I went into the pillar room to see the tango lesson in action, they are having a special guest over for the tango fiesta 1st to 3rd of June. They will feature this female dancer who has been shown dancing many times before.
When I sent the clip to Julian last year he told me that she is the finest tango dancer in Argentina.Remember the woman does as many steps as the man, only backwards and on high heels ! If you go down to "Tango lessons in Dublin" then go to events you can check out the up and coming events.
Today when I was getting my Coffey I met that famous Baptist preacher Jessie Jackson. Hi is over here making a few speeches, it will be in the paper tomorrow so click on Irish Times newspaper for details.
My back LOCKED today and I couldn't afford to have that girl from Thailand to unlock it,in her special way. So I walked for 3 miles and now it is off to a hot bath.
It is sad how you do one thing and you have to spend the money you made to have it fixed.
Chinese acupuncture for the back! That's the cure for sure.
That was last night, still in pain so I went to the Chinese doctor today.
Sadly my old doctor has retired and gone back to China, the new doctor didn't say "If you are not better come again and I will fix you free" (which is what the last one said) So here I am broken hearted,payed my money ....and still in pain, only worse.
It will be a while before I can do this.
I often thought I would like to manage a restaurant, let me say more !
Today I went into "The Green hen" on Exchequer St. Looks great, but my mistake there were only 8 people inside, so I had a lunch special Linguine with mussels. I wish I had noted the time from when I sat down until the food came. I would say 40 minutes, but there is a video camera there if someone cares.
So when it arrived and there was a chili pepper which was chopped through the dish and that was all you could taste.
Pasta is cheap I got so little that I was very hungry leaving the table.
The waiting staff where standing around like sentries, just standing there, I didn't see any of the staff say "Can I get you anything else? Would you like some more water?"
Or,what I would want my staff to ask is.
"Was your meal OK?"
The manager came in, threw his keys behind the bar, didn't speak to his staff or attempt to make eye contact with any of his customers.
A few doors away there is a sign in a window "FREE FOOD" when your order doesn't arrive in 7 minutes. They were packed to the rafters.
Pichet around the corner is also excellent. I know the head waiter there, I should have gone to him.
You pay wages for staff, heat, light, rent and rates 20c more of pasta would have made a difference.
Thanks to Paddy I bring you the loyal dog who would not leave his friend.
Nice entry.