Not quite back to myself, but if I do stretching exercises when I stop I should improve. The trick is not to let anyone see you doing them.
Talking about people dying, did you spot Jet Harris died?
Of The Shadows?
Cliff Richards and the......forget it !!!
History lesson..
Yiutube brings us the little things in life that makes us all happy.
Like this.
Today I went in for a re test for the NCT Fail again. I put in a new bulb but the dip on the drivers side blew between the time I replaced the other bulb.
Lesson to self, check all the lights an hour before you go for the NCT.
Still shit happens and it's how you deal with it that makes the difference.
The back is coming on just sharp darts of pain when I twist to do something.
Somewhere there is a Vodoo master busy with her pins !
If you ever saw this girl you would not forget her, blond dreadlocks, with pink green and all the colors of the rainbow, really wild looking girl. Well I picked her up today. She is Scotish and realy normal. I was expecting a real tough nut. Not so.
I said to her that she could play "Where's Wally" because she sticks out so much.
When your health is fine you ignore and abuse it. It is only when you meet someone who is bunched that it hits you how lucky you are.
The Scotish girl told me that she went into a doctor on Wicklow and he looked up on the internet to see what was wrong. Then he had to go back on line to check the spelling. It hardly inspires confidence.
So this guy waves me down on Townsend St, he is on oxygen, the cylinder is on a pack over his shoulder.
"Elm Park my good man"
He was in great form, though he had to stop every few minutes to get air into his system. The oxygen had a valve which let out gas then stopped. So I reckon he had to time his breathing to the beat of his machiene.
He told me he was in hospital for 8 weeks being treated for bronchitus. Then someone checked further and they found out that he had TB.
So all the treatments have affected his heart.
But you know he must have been a great person in his day.
Sharp as a tack with his wit and humour in spite of his bad health.
Everyone needs a good kick up the arse to let them know that they are alive.
Some of the sunrises over the last few weeks on the Clontarf seafront have been the best ever.
If I was an Angel and I bouught you down to see that miricle of the dawn.
"I was sent to collect you, but I thought you should see this first before you go."
You would wonder how I produced such a beutiful vista.
Yet It was there for you, all you had to do was to lift up your eyes.
So boys and girls it is time to lift up your eyes and look towards a better future.
That baby is a joy. I wish I were so easily entertained.
ReplyDeleteJust get your partner to tear up that FINAL tax demand..That should do it